ontoportal-lirmm / bioportal_web_ui

A Rails application for ontologies portal.
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Adding "Preferred namespace URI" to ontology C3PO makes it fail #710

Open jonquet opened 1 week ago

jonquet commented 1 week ago

Changing the metadata property : Preferred namespace URI of C3PO to http://www.elzeard.co/ontologies/c3po/ seems to make the UI bug.

Now https://agroportal.lirmm.fr/ontologies/C3PO?p=classes Does not work anymore.

Might occur with other ontologies when we will start populate this value. Might be related to the addition of the "resuse" icon in release 2.8.1

jonquet commented 1 week ago

Pour info, j'ai re-enlevé cetet valeur. Je ne suis pas sur de l'effet inverse ca rle cache fait que j'ai encore des erreurs.

jonquet commented 1 week ago

Bon l'erreur ne vient pas de l'ajout de "Preferred namespace URI" mais bien du parsing. Par contre, je confirme que changer cette metadonnée enclenche un parsing. @syphax-bouazzouni normal ?

Par contre au parsing on a une erreur qu'on avait pas avant:

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syphax-bouazzouni commented 1 week ago

@jonquet "Preferred namespace URI" does not run the parsing, but "Root of obsolete branch" in the same page does. Here is the list of properties that require re-parsing the ontology https://github.com/ontoportal-lirmm/ontologies_api/blob/master/controllers/ontology_submissions_controller.rb#L64