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ONVIF Network Interface Specifications
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Clarify video encoder width and height behavior for 90 degree rotation #457

Open HansBusch opened 3 weeks ago

HansBusch commented 3 weeks ago

The Media2 specification clearly describes how width and height parameters must be interpreted for the VideoSourceConfiguration when a rotation of 90 or 270 degree is configured. Such a clarification seems to be missing for the VideoEncoderConfiguration.

Two possible options for the Resolution field of the VideoSourceConfiguration:

  1. Width and height are swapped so that they correspond to the streamed video.

  2. Width and height correspond to the Bounds field of the VideoSourceConfiguration. As a consequence Width describes the height of the encoded video and vice versa.

bsriramprasad commented 3 weeks ago

Cautionary Suggestion

In any case, since this requirement is related to Profile S/T features, devices (if interpreted/implemented incorrectly) would need time to adapt so that Profile S/T conformance is not affected?

sujithhanwha commented 2 weeks ago

I think option 2 is more appropriate, option 1 would create confusion/mismatch, since for video source we already mentioned below note. "Note that in case of e.g. a 90 degree rotation the width parameter corresponds to the height of the Video and vice versa."

jflevesque-genetec commented 2 weeks ago

I would also prefer option 2, since its been our assumption that VEC follows the same requirement as the VSC. If its not part of DTT testing, I would suggest to have it added once we have clarified the expected behavior.

HansBusch commented 3 days ago

Option 2 would mean that we need to change the definition of the following two fields:

Resolution [VideoResolution2] Configured video resolution
    Width [int]    Number of the columns of the Video image.
    Height [int]   Number of the lines of the Video image.