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20200305 - samesite推进 #87

Open onvno opened 4 years ago

onvno commented 4 years ago

SameSite Updates

We have begun enforcing the new behavior for Chrome 80 stable, just not for 100% of users. The controlled rollout is to a limited initial population, and the proportion of users receiving the new behavior will be gradually increased until it reaches 100%. This is standard procedure for features with large, potentially disruptive impact. 从Chrome80稳定版开始,初期不会是100%覆盖,会控制在一个初始范围,最终会全面覆盖。后边介绍,Chrome 81-82: There is a 50% chance that the new SameSite rules are active in your browser, 81-82发布会直接覆盖50%

Incrementally Better Cookies draft-west-cookie-incrementalism-00 草案地址

This document proposes two changes to cookies inspired by the properties of the HTTP State Tokens mechanism proposed in [I-D.west-http-state-tokens]. First, cookies should be treated as "SameSite=Lax" by default. Second, cookies that explicitly assert "SameSite=None" in order to enable cross-site delivery should also be marked as "Secure".

How To Prepare Your IdentityServer For Chrome's SameSite Cookie Changes - And How To Deal With Safari, Nevertheless:文章报道 Chrome 80.0中将SameSite的默认值设为Lax,对现有的Cookie使用有什么影响?:阿里提前处置,需要联动的部门很多 Cookie 的 SameSite 属性:阮一峰科普 对于未来chrome80 samesite问题的兼容解决方案:未细品

onvno commented 4 years ago



  1. 浏览器SameSite by default cookies开启enabled
  2. 使用http-server启动https服务,本地修改host,从而确保可以生成两个跨域https服务 a服务本地地址:https://mytest.info:8080(自行在host中改为自己想要的域名) b服务本地地址:因本地IP不同会有差异)



setCookie('cooki1', 'withoutSameSite', '')
setCookie('cooki2', 'samaSiteNone', 'SameSite=none')
setCookie('cooki3', 'samaSiteStrict', 'SameSite=Strict')
setCookie('cooki4', 'samaSiteLax', 'SameSite=Lax')


# 0.自身存储cooki
      // 情况一:不设置
      document.cookie="b-cookie=b; " + expires;
      document.cookie="b-cookie1=b1; SameSite=none;" + expires;
      // console.log(document.cookie); // b-cookie=b;b-cookie1=b1;

      // 情况二:设置 SameSite
      document.cookie="b-cookie2=b2; SameSite=lax; " + expires;
      document.cookie="b-cookie3=b3; SameSite=Strict; " + expires;

# 1.内嵌a页面链接
<a href="https://mytest.info.com:8080">link</a>

# 2.内嵌a页面图片
 <img src="https://mytest.info.com:8080" alt="">

# 3.自身发起请求
        .then(res => res.json())
        .then(json => console.log(json))


  1. 直接访问b页面,点击内嵌的a链接发送cookie如下,在log存留的情况下,可以看到请求头:
    Cookie: cooki2=samaSiteNone



Cookie: cooki2=samaSiteNone

3.直接访问a页面,iframe内嵌有b页面,在b页面中无论是从document.cookie,还是直接发送请求,能拿到的cookie只有设置为 None的b-cookie:

Cookie: b-cookie1=b1

由此看来,所有默认开启 samesite的站点想要跨域支持携带cookie,都需要设置samesite=none,同时根据浏览器报错,后续都需要开启Secure,也就是需要https支持。

A cookie associated with a resource at http://mytest.info.com/ was set with SameSite=None but without Secure. A future release of Chrome will only deliver cookies marked SameSite=None if they are also marked Secure. You can review cookies in developer tools under Application>Storage>Cookies and see more details at https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5633521622188032.