onwidget / astrowind

⭕️ AstroWind: A free template using Astro 4.0 and Tailwind CSS. Astro starter theme.
MIT License
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Cannot find documentation on template variables... (showRssFeed, showToggleTheme, etc) #494

Open BallisticPain opened 1 month ago

BallisticPain commented 1 month ago

I'm brand new to Astro. I'm not new to development. I found your template and it is what made me decide to check out Astro for these projects I'm working on. I love the work and effort you have put into this. I look forward to AstroWind v2. I am happy to create a PR to add some documentation about using some of these more advanced boolean flags. I tried to go through the code and figure out how to use/pass them through. I'm sure if I understood more about Astro, I probably would know the answer, but since I don't, I would love to learn and then help this project by getting it into some documentation!

So... I'll track through what I've found. What I would really like is to remove the RSS button next to the CtA button in the top right of the index.astro page. I figured out that the Header.astro is what contains showRssFeed variable. This is passed in through the PageLayout.astro. I haven't figured out where that page gets it's variables. There is another two variables getting passed into the <Header> tag ... isSticky and showToggleTheme. I've also not been able to find those. I assume this means they are Astro variables that I would need to put into a configuration somewhere.

If someone can direct me where I should put those, I would greatly appreciate it. I would be happy to make a PR and get some examples into the documentation. I believe since AstroWind is a popular template, you will get a lot of Astro newbies. The more examples we can get into your documentation the faster we'll all get up to speed.

One other small thing I noticed. I couldn't figure out how to "download" the template to use it. It was much easier once I put the Astro docs to use... I used npm create astro@latest -- --template onwidget/astrowind which made it quite easy. I had to try a couple of times to get that working properly, but that line got me going immediately.

BallisticPain commented 1 month ago

Just putting some other ideas in here that I feel I should document when I submit my PR...

flat-color-icons ... it took me a while to find how to include additional icons from this set. I was able to work my way backwards, but some links in the documentation would have helped me go faster. I tried searching in this repository, but it wouldn't pull up anything other than the files that were using the icons. Not the configuration file astro.config.mjs where I needed to input those additional icons I wanted.

Thanks again for such a great template to work with! It has been a pleasure even with these hiccups. I'm used to having to dig... :)