onyx-gen / onyx

A Figma plugin that helps to transform Figma Design Systems to Vue components with UnoCSS utility classes.
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Implement custom variable name transformations via plugin UI #8

Closed MiguelFranken closed 7 months ago

MiguelFranken commented 7 months ago


We can use generation in Variables mode via the UI:


We use the applied design tokens from (Tokens Studio for Figma) when the generation mode is set to Variables. We may generate a utility class like font-$Interactive.CTA. The identifier Interactive.CTA is the exact typography composite token applied to the selected Figma layer for which we want to generate a utility class.


We not always want to use the exact raw variable/token name as provided by Tokens Studio. We may want to lowercase the token identifier name.


Let's come up with a simple solution to alter token names via configuration in the UI. TODO: Technical Concept