ooade / pimg

:camera: Mini Image Lazy Loader for P(R)eact and Vue
MIT License
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Accept src as array in place of placeholder #22

Open ooade opened 6 years ago

ooade commented 6 years ago

Deprecate placeholder. Maybe? And use src={[imagePlaceholder,image]}.

Oluwasetemi commented 5 years ago

hello, we want to deprecate placeholder to use array of imagePlaceholder and image right? Thanks in advance.

ooade commented 5 years ago


Normally, I would have said we should distinguish placeholders and the real images with a comma(,) as done is srcset. Just thought about the way it might look like if we decided to leave it that way. But, if done with arrays, it can easily extend to the next line with prettier.

Oluwasetemi commented 5 years ago

Here now!!!