oobianom / quickcode

An R package made out of mine and Brice's scrapbook of much needed functions.
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Retrieve a Listing of All Active Connections Running on a Local Machine #30

Open brichard1638 opened 1 week ago

brichard1638 commented 1 week ago

I have recently been pursuing the possibility of developing R functions in support of facilitating cybersecurity-based tasks. As it turns out, there is a dearth of functions in R that address this need. To that end, I thought I would present a few ideas for your review and consideration to be included in the next version of quickcode.

There is an interesting R package called netstat which is a cybersecurity utility designed to extract a set of active network statistics on a local machine including available TCP ports.

ABSTRACT Upon examination of this R package, it was concluded that the principal functions provided in this package, namely the netstat and the parse_netstat functions, could be both extended and combined to produce a much more compelling and optimal cybersecurity function for use in R.

FUNCTION IDEA & BACKGROUND EXPLANATION Extend and combine the functional capabilities of the netstat and parse_netstat functions provided in the netstat package to create a much more compelling output in support of conducting much more effective cybersecurity-based tasks.



FUNCTION STRUCTURE Get_active_conn <- function() { # Retrieve netstat output netstat_output <- system("netstat -a -n -o", intern = TRUE)

# Formalize vector structure netstat_output <- netstat_output[4:length(netstat_output)]

# Rename line columns netstat_output[1] <- " Proto Local_Address Foreign_Address State PID"

# Split the lines into columns data <- strsplit(netstat_output, "\\s+")

# Create a matrix m <- stringi::stri_list2matrix(x = data, byrow = TRUE, fill = 0)

# Convert to data frame df <- data.frame(m)

# Remove empty column df$X1 <- NULL

# Set column names colnames(df) <- c("Proto", "Local_Address", "Foreign_Address", "State", "PID")

# Reset dataframe df <- df[-c(1),]

return(df) }

TEST STATUS The function, as defined under the FUNCTION STRUCTURE section of this issue has been tested, yielding accurate results. However, more testing should be conducted to verify both its accuracy and functional utility.

FUNCTION EXAMPLE x = Get_active_conn()


oobianom commented 1 week ago

This is great! So, I think it will be reasonable to structure the documentation so that it will have a dedicated section for the cyber security related functions.

I have added the current one to the section i am building, but not the name is get_active_conn()

the documentation will look something like this, with all the functions image