oodesign / merge-duplicate-symbols

Sketch plugin to merge symbols and layer&text styles.
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Sidebar in dialog window cannot be enlarged – Long layer names cannot be read completely in this way #159

Closed sgxwrk closed 3 years ago

sgxwrk commented 3 years ago

Problem: Unfortunately it is currently not possible to enlarge the left sidebar in the dialog window, so that longer layer names can be displayed fully.

Improvement: The user can enlarge the sidebar with a mouse click to the right in order to be able to display longer layer names in full. (see red arrows in the screenshot).

Bildschirmfoto 2021-06-12 um 22 11 41
oodesign commented 3 years ago

Hi @sgxwrk ,

Thanks for reaching out! We're aware of this (and working on it). Hope to have a fix soon! There is already an active issue about this very same topic.

I'm closing this one, so that we can follow and focus the conversation there, but if for some reason you feel this is different (or has some extra detail), please feel free to reopen it, or to add new content to the other issue.
