oofnikj / iptmon

simple iptables bandwidth monitor
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Issue with iptmon installation OpenWRT 21.02.0 #15

Open ChrisGoggin opened 2 years ago

ChrisGoggin commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the iptmon plugin I have been using it for quite a while on OpenWrt 19.07.x and it does exactly what I need!

iptmon v0.1.6 installs as per your readme with no problems with OpenWrt 19.07. However, it does not install correctly on 21.02.00.

Luckily I read through the other open issues and found the workaround for my problem in open issue init without static hosts #14

As Juergen noted in his comments if you:

  1. manually add dhcpscript to /etc/config/dhcp, as below
    config dnsmasq
          option dhcpscript '/usr/sbin/iptmon'
  2. add "iptmon init" to /etc/rc.local

Once I made these two changes iptmon is working fine with OpenWrt 21.02.0.

I have raised this issue so that anyone else with similar problems will find a solution quickly.

Thanks again for the great plugin, Chris

oofnikj commented 2 years ago

Thanks for opening this. I've been meaning to test against 21.xx builds but haven't gotten around to it. I'm glad you found a workaround.

I will have a closer look soon at implementing official support for OpenWrt 21.xx.

Antexa commented 2 years ago

@ChrisGoggin This was very helpfull !

rpodric commented 2 years ago

With two different routers on 21.02.1, I implemented the above changes. One seems fine, but the other does this:


Which is interesting, since iptmon, as far as I can tell, is configured the same way. It's unclear what's happening at midnight, but collectd is still running, and the router is not rebooting (though when I do, it will start working again but then just recur). Most of the data in the table below the graph stays the same throughout the day after the midnight event, but a few actually decrease, which is weird since I thought this was cumulative.

In any case, not sure if this is related to 21.02.1 or not.