I am attempting to use the forked fabric-contract-api/contractapi instead of the fabric-chaincode-go/shim package but I receive this error:
cannot use cc (variable of type *ContractChaincode) as type shim.Chaincode in argument to shim.Start: *ContractChaincode does not implement shim.Chaincode (missing Prov method)
If this is one purpose where should we define it? Also, if none of our smart contract functions currently use provenance can we just return an empty dependency array? Will this break functionality?
I am attempting to use the forked fabric-contract-api/contractapi instead of the fabric-chaincode-go/shim package but I receive this error:
cannot use cc (variable of type *ContractChaincode) as type shim.Chaincode in argument to shim.Start: *ContractChaincode does not implement shim.Chaincode (missing Prov method)
If this is one purpose where should we define it? Also, if none of our smart contract functions currently use provenance can we just return an empty dependency array? Will this break functionality?