ooibc88 / blockbench

BLOCKBENCH: A Framework for Analyzing Private Blockchains. Blockbench contains workloads for measuring the data processing performance, and workloads for understanding the performance of different layers of Blockchain systems.
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Symbol lookup error after building the kvstore driver #58

Closed natanaelyabes closed 5 years ago

natanaelyabes commented 5 years ago

After installing the restclient-cpp and libcurl, I was able to build the kvstore driver module. However, when running the kvstore micro-benchmark for hyperledger, I got this error:

 ./driver: symbol lookup error: ./driver: undefined symbol: _ZN10RestClient3getERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE

How can I resolve this? Because I thought I already install the restclient-cpp and the libcurl correctly. Otherwise, I would fail to build the driver.

Some similar issues:

  1. Error when making Kvstore driver
  2. How to build ./driver binary
RUAN0007 commented 5 years ago


It shoud be due to the dynamic link issue. OS fails to find the restclient-cpp library. If you have installed restclient-cpp, use bash cmd sudo ldconfig to update the search path for the library.

natanaelyabes commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the quick reply.