Closed sanju19 closed 6 years ago
looks like there're errors with connection to the nodes.
can you provide more info about:
The geth version Ubuntu is
sonam@Sonam91:~$ geth version Geth Version: 1.7.3-stable Git Commit: 4bb3c89d44e372e6a9ab85a8be0c9345265c763a Architecture: amd64 Protocol Versions: [63 62] Network Id: 1 Go Version: go1.9 Operating System: linux GOPATH= GOROOT=/usr/lib/go-1.9
For Raspberry Pi 2 geth version sonam@ethpinode1:~/blockbench/benchmark/ethereum $ geth version Geth Version: 1.7.0-stable Git Commit: 6c6c7b2af3efdad4d2f64f70f3a724af434bbcd2 Architecture: arm Protocol Versions: [63 62] Network Id: 1 Go Version: go1.7.4 Operating System: linux GOPATH= GOROOT=/usr/local/go
Ubuntu 14.04 run as the server and the Raspberry Pi 2 (Raspbian Stretch Lite OS)as the client.
This is the eth log after running
INFO [12-11|15:08:19] Starting peer-to-peer node instance=Geth/v1.7.3-stable-4bb3c89d/linux-amd64/go1.9
INFO [12-11|15:08:19] Allocated cache and file handles database=/home/sonam/data/eth/geth/chaindata cache=128 handles=1024
INFO [12-11|15:08:19] Initialised chain configuration config="{ChainID: 9119 Homestead: 0 DAO:
for './run_bench 1 1 1', what's the content of addPeer.txt file?
the contents of addPeer.txt is
this file should have something like this: admin.addPeer("enode://def2074b0dc7ee8b6027a76e955fa468f34e52c72237d761e6e6619d189a8e2e35b0fe57512b54e1b02589fb78f7f68ed02ad825f5898d7f612bf73ddb94b718@")
since it's empty in your case, it means that the doesn't run properly in your environment. Could be because you need password for ssh on remote node. Try to remove password login for ssh, then run:
also, make sure to set the ETH_DATA variable in to the correct value
geth runs in the hosts but driver never runs because i get: driver: no process found so the problem must be in the clients.
My output when i run ./run_bench 1 1 1 is at It doesn't even create log dir directory.
eth log after running run_bench is at
my run_bench is
the macro benchmarks are designed for running with >= 2 servers.
You may want to try the micro benchmark that uses only 1 server.
If you still want to use it, then here're the modified
takes 4 parameters, the last being the transaction rate per thread per client.
I modified both and My output for running the ./run_bench 1 1 1 10 is at
Any idea why my output is like that?
looks like the server failed to response. what's the server log for that run?
Here is my eth_log
looks like the server doesn't receive anything from the client. Can you check if the client can connect to the server at port 8000, by doing:
nc -zv <server> 8000
from the client's machine?
the client can connect to the server at port 8000 while running the bench, checked with nc command
sonam@ethpinode1:~ $ nc -zv 8000 Connection to 8000 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
So any idea where am I going wrong?
what's the output when you run 1 1 1 10
. The problem may be that there's no CustomGenesis_1.json file.
Can you do cp CustomGenesis_2.json CustomGenesis_1.json
before starting ?
the output when I ran 1 1 1 10 is
I created CustomGenesis_1.json file before running the bench. Here is my CustomGenesis_1.json file
this output file is exactly the same as the one you have before (when running without CustomGenesis_1.json). What is the full path to the log file?
I created CustomGenesis_1.json even before running the bench for the first time. I tried running ./run-bench 2 16 2 10 the output is the same.
full path to the log file /home/sonam/benchmark/ethereum/yscb/exp$3""servers$1""threads$4""rates
my is ETH_HOME=/home/sonam/blockbench/benchmark/ethereum HOSTS=$ETH_HOME/hosts CLIENTS=$ETH_HOME/clients ETH_DATA=/home/sonam/data/eth
LOG_DIR=$ETH_HOME/yscb EXE_HOME=/home/sonam/blockbench/src/macro/kvstore BENCHMARK=ycsb
One more doubt do i have to run ./ in clients?
so for ./ 1 1 1 10
, the log file is in /home/....../ycsb/exp_1_servers_1_threads_10_rate
directory. And it is exactly the same as the log file in /home/.../ycsb/exp_2_servers_16_threads_10_rate
The content of the file should be sightly differently, at least in line 3 and line 4.
No you don't have to run ./ at the client.
yes the contents of file is slightly different , extra lines are there . But error is same - to address failed to query.
from your eth_log file, no contract was submitted to the server from the client.
can you first start 1 1 1 10
let it run for 30 seconds, then from the client do the following (replacing the XXX with the address of the server). This is to test if the client can send a contract to the server. What's the output for this?
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"eth_sendTransaction", "params": [{ "gas": "0x100000", "gasPrice": "0x0", "from": "0xe20d4947d2Bf34a4c2fC741F499A115A6192D7ad", "data": "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"}],"id":1}' http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:8000
after running 1 1 1 10 the eth_log is
sonam@ethpinode1:~ $ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"eth_sendTransaction", "params": [{ "gas": "0x100000", "gasPrice": "0x0", "from": "0x9e2122ac1fa5a278a9f92977d679ab53e0741ca0", "data": "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"}],"id":1}'
I submitted this twice.
But still the output is same They why the workload is not being submitted?
after submitting the contract, wait for another 10 seconds, then do (replacing YYYY with content of "result" from the previous command):
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"eth_getTransactionReceipt", "params":["YYYYYYYYY],"id":1}' http://XXXXXX:8000
I am getting this
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0", "method":"eth_getTransactionReceipt", "params":["0x7d2f0a20b0029520ea1878bf7cbbc4cd945dfad146a345de3e108abea3052b7e"],"id":1}'
My eth_log
looks like the client is working properly, there shouldn't be a "Failed to query" error. Can you do another run, and post all the log files here (client, server, and
log)? 1 1 1 10 log is eth_log is client log
Still the same error Maybe the problem is in restclient-cpp?
what's the output when you run make clean; make
inside src/macro/kvstore
at the client?
make clean output is make all output is
doesn't look like there's any problem with restclient-cpp.
If after recompiling the driver and the problem still persists, then I'm pretty much out of idea.
after recompiling the driver, I ran the bench the problem still persists.
I got it right. a small mistake on my part. Thank you for all your suggestions.
Can you tell me how to run micro benchmarks?
We have update the micro/script for geth v1.7 and you could refer to
for micro benchmarks.
I am doing cpuheavy micro bench. I ran ./ in one terminal in the server. in another terminal when I ran node deploy.js 10000 it showing var sorterContract = web3.eth.contract(sorterABI); ^ TypeError: web3.eth.contract is not a function web3.personal.unlockAccount(web3.eth.accounts[0], ""); ^ TypeError: Cannot read property 'unlockAccount' of undefined
Same kind of error when I ran ioheavy and analytic micro benchmark.
Any idea where I am going wrong?
Do you use npm install
to download the node.js module ? Or is there some error log for ./
I think these errors are due to a lack of dependecy packages or version issues.
You could use rm package-lock.json
first and npm install
Thanks got it.
When you run cpuheavy bench you will get execution time. But how will I get memory usage?
Also when we run analytics benchmark, am i running txn_gen.js, node bench_q1.js start_block end_block, node bench_q2.js start_block end_block account in server itself?
is this how the output looks like when you run analytics benchmark? node bench_q2 3 100 0x12f029d57082315085bfb4d4d8345c92c5cdd881 undefined Latency: 0.073 sec
Thanks for your reminding. You could download the latest bench_q2.js and run it again.
is this correct output? sonam@Sonam91:~/blockbench/src/micro/analytic/ethereum$ node bench_q2 3 10000 0x12f029d57082315085bfb4d4d8345c92c5cdd881 checking: 10000 checking: 9000 checking: 8000 checking: 7000 checking: 6000 checking: 5000 checking: 4000 checking: 3000 checking: 2000 checking: 1000
This is due to there is not so many block minted at now. So, you could use a smaller block number like node bench_q2 3 100 0x12f029d57082315085bfb4d4d8345c92c5cdd881
or wait for more block being minted.
Can you tell me why sometimes latency becomes negative like bellow while running ycsb benchmark?
polled block 131 : 128 txs In the last 2s, tx count = 128 latency = -2.14748 outstanding request = 1569 In the last 2s, tx count = 0 latency = 0 outstanding request = 1617 polled block 132 : 128 txs
no, the latency should never be negative. there must be some problem with your client's clocks. the client uses clock_gettime(.) function at nanosecond granuality.
when I run smallbank ./run 1 16 1 10, this is the client log is Is this right? this is my ./ Why is all the latency 0? Am I doing something wrong?
For smallbank, you need to modify EXE_HOME=$ETH_HOME/../../src/macro/kystore
to EXE_HOME=$ETH_HOME/../../src/macro/smallbank
Already made that change. This is my ETH_HOME=/home/sonam/blockbench/benchmark/ethereum HOSTS=$ETH_HOME/hosts CLIENTS=$ETH_HOME/clients ETH_DATA=/home/sonam/data/eth
LOG_DIR=$ETH_HOME/macro/smallbank EXE_HOME=/home/sonam/blockbench/src/macro/smallbank BENCHMARK=smallbank
This is my So any idea where am I going wrong?
@sanju19 , what was your small mistake running the benchmark? I try to set it up and got the same problems.
my issue is still there. Did you get an idea what's wrong?
I am using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and Rasberry Pi 2 for setting up the blockbench environment. I started with ethereum. After making changes in I start benchmark with ./run_bench 1 1 1.
The output from running the benchmark is at
My is as follows ETH_HOME=/home/sonam/blockbench/benchmark/ethereum HOSTS=$ETH_HOME/hosts CLIENTS=$ETH_HOME/clients ETH_DATA=/home/sonam/data/eth
LOG_DIR=$ETH_HOME/yscb EXE_HOME=/home/pi/blockbench/src/macro/kvstore BENCHMARK=ycsb
My CustomGenesis file is as follows { "nonce": "0x0000000000000042", "timestamp": "0x00", "parentHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "extraData": "0x00", "gasLimit": "0x8000000", "difficulty": "0x1fffff", "mixhash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000", "coinbase": "0x3333333333333333333333333333333333333333", "alloc":{ }, "config": { "chainId": 9119, "homesteadBlock": 0, "eip155Block": 0, "eip158Block": 0 } }
Can you tell me where am going wrong?