ookiineko / magiskboot_build

unofficial magiskboot build system (and port) targeting multi-platform (does not require NDK)
Apache License 2.0
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support running in browsers (with emscripten) #19

Open ookiineko opened 5 months ago

ookiineko commented 5 months ago

need a frontend wrapper, lets see when i can finish it (i have no idea about frontend things)


ookiineko commented 3 months ago

im still trying to make this

ookiineko commented 3 months ago

currently web branch has staging support for running directly in desktop and mobile browsers

affggh commented 3 months ago

Is environment value available?

ookiineko commented 3 months ago

this wip port is now available on Cloudflare pages: https://magiskboot-build-wasm.pages.dev/

ookiineko commented 3 months ago

i will probably finish the file manager today EDIT: its generally working now (but with some minor issues, like currently the program runs in browser's main ui thread, which will cause freezes when doing heavy work, there is also some memory leaks...

so i guess i will keep this open until the bugs the support getting ready to merged into this main repo

ookiineko commented 3 months ago

so i guess i will keep this open until all these get resolved

the only reliable way seems to be using pthread or workers api, but im not familiar with js... (EDIT: currently using a hack with Asyncify to achieve real-time updating