ookiineko / magiskboot_build

unofficial magiskboot build system (and port) targeting multi-platform (does not require NDK)
Apache License 2.0
138 stars 22 forks source link

getting "The specified path is invalid. (os error 161)" when using with `ksud boot-patch` #27

Closed ookiineko closed 3 months ago

ookiineko commented 3 months ago
❯ ~/KernelSU/userspace/ksud/target/debug/ksud.exe boot-patch -b boot.img -m ~/test/ksu/android14-5.15_kernelsu.ko --magiskboot ~/magiskboot_build/build_msvcrt/magiskboot_debug.exe
  _  __                    _ ____  _   _ 
 | |/ /___ _ __ _ __   ___| / ___|| | | |
 | ' // _ \ '__| '_ \ / _ \ \___ \| | | |
 | . \  __/ |  | | | |  __/ |___) | |_| |
 |_|\_\___|_|  |_| |_|\___|_|____/ \___/ 

- Preparing assets
- Unpacking boot image: \\?\C:\test\boot.img
The specified path is invalid. (os error 161)
- Install Error: magiskboot unpack failed
[ERROR ksud::cli] Error: magiskboot unpack failed
Error: magiskboot unpack failed

discovered via @affggh

this only seems to affect MSYS2 compiled magiskboot binaries, weird...

ookiineko commented 3 months ago

should be fixed it the latest release