Buildroot has several advantages: First that it works, second that the resulting PBA image is reasonably streamlined, and third that the PBA builds can be (reasonably easily) remastered into the Rescue{32,64} images.
However, each full Buildroot build does take a while and there may yet be hidden pitfalls about rebuilding in an existing built-out Buildroot directory (which is why the script generally deletes the "scratch" tree when rebuilding. An alternative solution using a Docker container and TinyCoreLinux was proposed (DTA #159) and worked on in the alternate sedutil/sedutil fork, but it's not Obviously Better (requiring Docker to be installed just to build sedutil seems overkilly). Is there another better alternative?
Probably the first step is to come up with the desirements that would make something qualify as Better or at least Faster and Sufficiently Good.
Buildroot has several advantages: First that it works, second that the resulting PBA image is reasonably streamlined, and third that the PBA builds can be (reasonably easily) remastered into the Rescue{32,64} images.
However, each full Buildroot build does take a while and there may yet be hidden pitfalls about rebuilding in an existing built-out Buildroot directory (which is why the script generally deletes the "scratch" tree when rebuilding. An alternative solution using a Docker container and TinyCoreLinux was proposed (DTA #159) and worked on in the alternate sedutil/sedutil fork, but it's not Obviously Better (requiring Docker to be installed just to build sedutil seems overkilly). Is there another better alternative?
Probably the first step is to come up with the desirements that would make something qualify as Better or at least Faster and Sufficiently Good.