oomichi / try-kubernetes

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Failed to run e2e tests to AKS #111

Closed oomichi closed 4 years ago

oomichi commented 4 years ago
$ kubetest --provider=skeleton --test --test_args="--ginkgo.focus=\[Conformance\]"
2020/03/03 19:01:47 Warning: Couldn't find directory src/sigs.k8s.io/cloud-provider-azure under any of GOPATH /home/ubuntu/go, defaulting to /home/ubuntu/go/src/k8s.io/cloud-provider-azure
2020/03/03 19:01:47 process.go:153: Running: ./hack/e2e-internal/e2e-status.sh
Skeleton Provider: prepare-e2e not implemented
It looks as if you don't have a compiled kubectl binary

If you are running from a clone of the git repo, please run
'./build/run.sh make cross'. Note that this requires having
Docker installed.

If you are running from a binary release tarball, something is wrong.
Look at http://kubernetes.io/ for information on how to contact the
development team for help.
2020/03/03 19:01:47 process.go:155: Step './hack/e2e-internal/e2e-status.sh' finished in 28.028697ms
2020/03/03 19:01:47 main.go:316: Something went wrong: encountered 1 errors: [error during ./hack/e2e-internal/e2e-status.sh: exit status 1]
oomichi commented 4 years ago
# If KUBECTL_PATH isn't set, gather up the list of likely places and use ls
# to find the latest one.
if [[ -z "${KUBECTL_PATH:-}" ]]; then
  kubectl=$( get_bin "kubectl" "cmd/kubectl" )

  if [[ ! -x "$kubectl" ]]; then
    print_error "kubectl"
    exit 1
oomichi commented 4 years ago

Succeeded based on https://github.com/oomichi/try-kubernetes#build-e2e-test-binary