oomichi / try-kubernetes

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Use hostexec instead of ssh #112

Closed oomichi closed 2 years ago

oomichi commented 4 years ago

hostexec pod とは? 下記のコードからすると agnhost コンテナイメージの一機能みたい framework/pod/resource.go

385 // NewExecPodSpec returns the pod spec of hostexec pod
386 func NewExecPodSpec(ns, name string, hostNetwork bool) *v1.Pod {
387         immediate := int64(0)
388         pod := &v1.Pod{
389                 ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
390                         Name:      name,
391                         Namespace: ns,
392                 },
393                 Spec: v1.PodSpec{
394                         Containers: []v1.Container{
395                                 {
396                                         Name:            "agnhost",
397                                         Image:           imageutils.GetE2EImage(imageutils.Agnhost),
398                                         ImagePullPolicy: v1.PullIfNotPresent,
399                                 },
400                         },
401                         HostNetwork:                   hostNetwork,
402                         SecurityContext:               &v1.PodSecurityContext{},
403                         TerminationGracePeriodSeconds: &immediate,
404                 },
405         }
406         return pod
407 }