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Autodetection - PoC of observation analysis creating experiment results #1449

Closed jbonisteel closed 2 weeks ago

jbonisteel commented 9 months ago

This is about implement a PoC of the experiment result generation which implements the Likelyhood of Network Interference (LoNI) confidence metric.

The goal of this metric is to estimate for a given interval of time and location how likely some form of restriction is affecting a particular target.

As part of this PoC we will also include a minimal HTTP API to retrieve the data, display it and interpret it.

Here is the estimate breakdown of the tasks required for doing this:

Potentially this metric could also be an important building block in improving the censorship alert system.

hellais commented 2 weeks ago

I am still missing a bit more work on formalizing the metric and explaining how it works.

I have updated some of the design docs however here: https://github.com/ooni/data/pull/81. I think in general more research is needed to fully formalize the LoNI metric so I am going to close this epic and defer that to future work.