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2.3 Create a browser-based web censorship measurement tool #644

Closed hellais closed 1 year ago

hellais commented 3 years ago

To simplify the process of running tests during urgent censorship events, we propose to implement a browser-based network measurement experiment. The tool will allow users to measure web censorship by simply visiting an OONI website, expanding the breadth of coverage during incidents, particularly in countries with low OONI Probe usage. This would complement the OONI Probe mobile and desktop apps, serving needs related to rapid response, as it can be easier/faster to disseminate a link than to install apps. The browser-based tool will also help drive more users to the OONI Probe apps, since the testing capabilities of browser-based tools are comparatively limited, and we would promote the extra tests, results, and features available on the OONI Probe apps via the browser-based tool.

Similarly to the OONI Probe apps, this browser-based tool will include an informed consent procedure in the form of a quiz that will require users to answer questions pertaining to potential risks, as a prerequisite to running tests. We will also inform users which test they would run (Encore), how it works and what type of data it would collect, as well as which URLs they would test. We will seek consultation from lawyers at Harvard’s Cyberlaw Clinic to ensure that potential risks associated to the browser-based tool are adequately evaluated and communicated to users via the tool and our main website. We will also ensure that this new browser-based tool receives a security audit and that the data collection is performed in an ethical manner.

agrabeli commented 1 year ago

We have a prototype of OONI Probe Web. It received a security audit. We're planning its public launch.

hellais commented 1 year ago

This is ready to be launched, which will happen on monday.

See: https://github.com/ooni/probe-web & https://probe-web.ooni.org/

agrabeli commented 1 year ago

OONI Probe Web has been launched: https://probe-web.ooni.org/

We also published a blog post about OONI Probe Web: https://ooni.org/post/introducing-ooni-probe-web/

And community members have already started performing testing and sharing feedback: https://github.com/ooni/probe/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+label%3Aooni%2Fprobe-web