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Add IODA to the OONI Partners page #879

Closed agrabeli closed 3 years ago

agrabeli commented 3 years ago

We have been collaborating with IODA (https://ioda.caida.org/ioda/dashboard) closely over the last years, and they've agreed to be listed on the OONI Partners page: https://ooni.org/partners

Assets for the new IODA page (to be listed in the Partners page):


The Internet Outage Detection and Analysis (IODA) project is run by the Center for Applied Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA), which is based at the University of California's San Diego Supercomputer Center.

IODA monitors the Internet in near-realtime to identify macroscopic Internet outages affecting the edge of the network, i.e., significantly impacting a network operator (AS) or a large fraction of a country.

IODA combines information from three data sources, establishes the relevance of an event and generates alerts. The outage events and the corresponding signals obtained through automated analysis are displayed on dashboards and interactive graphs that allow the user to further inspect the data.

OONI and IODA work closely on monitoring and documenting Internet censorship events around the globe.


albertodainotti commented 3 years ago

Thanks @agrabeli ! I would suggest to modify: The outage events and the corresponding signals obtained through automated analysis are displayed on dashboards and interactive graphs that allow the user to further inspect the data. to The outage events and the corresponding signals obtained through automated analysis are displayed in near-realtime on public dashboards and interactive graphs that allow the user to further inspect the data..
I.e., added the realtime and public bits.

(Feel free to "dash" near-real-time however you like :-D )

agrabeli commented 3 years ago

IODA's logo is available here: https://ioda.caida.org/bundles/caidacharthousefrontend/images/logos/ioda-logo.svg

agrabeli commented 3 years ago

Done here: https://github.com/ooni/ooni.org/pull/884

agrabeli commented 3 years ago

IODA page: https://ooni.org/partners/ioda/