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Expired @openobservatory.org #171

Closed darkk closed 6 years ago

darkk commented 7 years ago


Detection: alert from user

Timeline UTC, 04 Oct: 09:28 @darkk fetchmail OK 10:38 @darkk fetchmail failed 11:53 @agrabeli: For some reason I can't login to my email 12:27 @darkk: Account expired 12:39 twitter ranting, @darkk assumed that expiration notifications were broken 13:14 @darkk mails to support@runbox.com 13:27 ticked created, ticket ID: JVG-692-95923 14:00 @joelanders I can still get my Runbox inbox 14:17 Dave from Runbox: What I have done is extend the expiry period until today. What that does is give you the 2 weeks grace period again until payment is due. So what should happen is the account close on 18-Oct-2017. It means the Main account will probably still get expiry notifications. The accounts are open again and will start to receive mail in the next 15 minutes or so. I will check they remain open tomorrow so that I know that my plan is working.

What went well:

What went wrong:

It is the responsibility of the Main account holder to renew sub-accounts but I will see if I can come up with a workaround. Notifications of expiry would have been sent multiple times starting around 6 weeks ago. The account would have technically expired 2 weeks ago and then we have a 2 week grace period so that any payment issues can be sorted out. So we are quite generous with the time periods. Let me see what I can do in this exceptional case. — Dave from Runbox

What could be done to prevent relapse and decrease impact:

darkk commented 7 years ago

what other "shared" accounts do we need? AWS?... namecheap?...

We brainstormed Inventory of Single Points of Failure and found more than dozen. That's good to have them explicitly listed :)

darkk commented 6 years ago

@openobservatory.org is moved to G Suite. Also, now we maintain list of SPoFs and review it periodically. That's a good exercise to have a failover plan written down.