ooooverflow / BiSeNet

BiSeNet based on pytorch
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I think there is a trouble code #37

Open mshmoon opened 4 years ago

mshmoon commented 4 years ago

Please see the function that come from def one_hot_it_v11_dice(label, label_info): semantic_map = [] void = np.zeros(label.shape[:2]) for index, info in enumerate(label_info): color = label_info[info][:3] class_11 = label_info[info][3] if class_11 == 1: equality = np.equal(label, color) class_map = np.all(equality, axis=-1) semantic_map.append(class_map) else: equality = np.equal(label, color) class_map = np.all(equality, axis=-1) void[class_map] = 1 semantic_map.append(void) semantic_map = np.stack(semantic_map, axis=-1).astype(np.float) return semantic_map The variable "semantci_map" is a python list, but in the function ,the list only have twice append operations so that in compute loss pahse the error of output and target have different shape happend, because output shape is [batch, num class,w,h], but target shape is [batch ,2,w,h]. I can't guarantee I'm absolutely right.

dronefreak commented 4 years ago

Hi @mshmoon You are correct. This is an issue that I am also facing. Have you been able to resolve this?

mshmoon commented 4 years ago

@dronefreak I have use the other version code of bisenet

dronefreak commented 4 years ago

Hi @mshmoon Have you used the other version with CamVid dataset or Cityscapes? Could you kindly share your CamVid training codes and CamVid dataset scripts if you have done so?

mshmoon commented 4 years ago

@mshmoon The CamVid training codes can be any semantic segmenation codes, but the difference is the label encoding and label decoding betweent these codes, do you have a trouble about it? You can download CamVid from this link:

mshmoon commented 4 years ago

@mshmoon I have train CamVid, Cityscapes and Pascal VOC2012

dronefreak commented 4 years ago

Hi @mshmoon

Yes indeed. I am new to this field and I have had some troubles in encoding/decoding the labels. I used the above mentioned link previously, but was unable to train properly. I will try again. Thanks a lot!