oorestisime / kayon-decor

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Standardize products and create a DB #36

Open oorestisime opened 1 year ago

oorestisime commented 1 year ago

Store.ts served its purpose for quick launch. We should now start thinking of having one source of truth between their products listing in drive and in code to minimize discrepancies.

KostasTheodoro commented 1 year ago

will take time but from some talks i had and some research , everyone recommends mongo for what we want

oorestisime commented 1 year ago

No! We need something she can work with. She shouldnt need to ask us to change prices descriptions etc. Add new products or whatever

artemis-toumazi commented 1 year ago

Yes it's better to have the autonomy for adding new products, changing the prices etc. :)

KostasTheodoro commented 1 year ago

A friend told me there is a way to do that, cause i asked. but since i have no idea about dbs i need to research more, i would like a timeline on this when we want it etc

oorestisime commented 1 year ago

Not urgent at all! Take all the time you need for your research