ootjersb / pislave

I2C service to communicate with Itho devices
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Future plans #1

Open WouterJN opened 5 years ago

WouterJN commented 5 years ago

I just bought a house with an Itho WPU and are very interested in this project. What are the future plans for this project?

It would be great when variables of the WPU can send to a MQTT server.

ootjersb commented 4 years ago

Sorry, to respond this late; seems to have missed this issue. I am not having that much plans, and I am struggling to find time to work on this. My first focus was to get readings from the device. That is something that I have accomplished.

Now I am at two split:

  1. Getting the servicetool to work; for this I am creating a web service that does the reading from the service, and the servicetool is connected to the web service.
  2. Connecting the device to my Domoticz installation. For this I could read the device and then write that data to Domoticz. I have not yet decided what has preference.

I am kind of working on my own here so I was not bothered too much about making this generic, MQTT sounds more generic than just hardcoding it into my Domoticz installation. Maybe you could work on that?

starob01 commented 4 years ago


Very nice work to get the communication going. My house has the same type of heat pump and I'm hoping to get the project going at my side too with a Pi Zero. Hopefully to log the parameters of the heat pump and autotemp. I have been able to get the communication going with a Pi3B, however the data coming back was empty. The Pi zero hasn't been able to communicate yet.

I very much wished to be able to help you and include MQTT, but unfortunately I have no C/C++ experience whatsoever. I will give it a go nonetheless but it won't be a walk in the park. You've been working on the code the past few weeks, what are your plans? Cheers on your work so far!

ootjersb commented 4 years ago

Good to hear someone else is using it!

Yes, recently I have been working on this. There is another github user (pommi) who was working on it, and he was experiencing some issues. Most of the last check-ins were bug fixes. Pommi created a Python port of the code btw: https://github.com/pommi/python-itho-wpu. It does however not work so good yet.

From my personal perspective most of the things I wanted are in the code, so working like I want. It is hard coded mainly and that is a problem when you would connect a different device than I have. Also it limits the options for other users, so this is something I like to replace the earliest. This would require multiple parameter files with different datalog parsing per different device.

If I could then create some kind of interface for output options (such as log to console, log to Domoticz, log to sqlite, log to MQTT), then adding a new MQTT output would become easier I think. This makes the tool of course much better usable. That would come after the configuration changes.

The time I invest in it, however, is limited, because it already does the things I need.

ootjersb commented 4 years ago

@starob01 I can also assist with analyzing issues with the Pi3B not receiving the data. You can drop me a mail at: ben _ ootjers at hotmail com (with necessary replacements)