opc40772 / pfsense-graylog

Pfsense Logs Parsed by Graylog
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Followed Install Guide - No Dashboard Info #5

Closed JSylvia007 closed 5 years ago

JSylvia007 commented 5 years ago

Howdy there!!

I followed your guide, and I have all the necessary data being collected in Graylog (I think), but Grafana doesn't show anything in the dashboard.


Any idea what I'm doing wrong? Or even where to look?

samara8609 commented 5 years ago

@opc40772 I think it may be broken due to upgrade to newer version of pfsense, i get the same thing, it almost looks like the template isn't taking.

opc40772 commented 5 years ago

@JSylvia007 Excuse me the delay. Did you follow the whole guide?

opc40772 commented 5 years ago

@samara8609 Our pfsense is in its latest version. pfsense Regards

JSylvia007 commented 5 years ago

@opc40772 I did. I finally found out what the issue was... First, there are additional items that need to be installed from the command line... Grafana Panels. I needed these:

grafana-cli plugins install grafana-piechart-panel
grafana-cli plugins install grafana-worldmap-panel
grafana-cli plugins install savantly-heatmap-panel

Secondly, I needed to change the Pipeline order to be last inside Graylog.

I still don't have geographic location (as you can see below), BUT, I do see some information now...

How does Geo information get added?


opc40772 commented 5 years ago

By default graylog does not bring a database for geo localization so we must download it from MaxMind City databases. wget -t0 -c http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLite2-City.tar.gz Next we extract the contents of the file tar -xvf GeoLite2-City.tar.gz and we copy the GeoLite2-City.mmdb file to /etc/graylog/server. Note that the folder created when decomposing GeoLite2-City.tar.gz may differ from the tutorial on the date. cp GeoLite2-City20180306/ GeoLite2-City.mmdb /etc/graylog/ server Now in the graylog website we must activate the Geo-Location Processor and go to system / Configuration. We can see that it is disabled, we press the Update button. geo-enable We activate it by checking in Enable Geo-Location porcessor what else we leave by default. As long as messages containing ips are coming, they will obtain additional data such as coordinates, country code, city name. ![graylog-configurations-_2018-03-06_13](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/30729683/46182728-97f5fc00-c29b-11e8-80b8-8c91e9ac4541.png) I hope this helps you. Best regards

JSylvia007 commented 5 years ago

@opc40772 Yea... I did all that and just verified it... it's not being used for some reason...

opc40772 commented 5 years ago

@JSylvia007 Did you fill the field "Path of the database of MaxMind"?

JSylvia007 commented 5 years ago

@opc40772 Yes, and I verified that it's correct.

opc40772 commented 5 years ago

Go to the pfsense greylog stream and verify that the fields are being generated imagen


They are generated automatically.


opc40772 commented 5 years ago

@JSylvia007 They should already be shown in the Grafana imagen

JSylvia007 commented 5 years ago

@opc40772 I figured it out!! GeoIP needs to come after Pipeline in Graylong Config... It's all working!

You're the greatest. This is some amazing visibility.

opc40772 commented 5 years ago

@JSylvia007 Message Processors Configuration Order


opc40772 commented 5 years ago

@JSylvia007 Thanks, is a pleasure.

opc40772 commented 5 years ago

@JSylvia007 If you wish and you encourage to implement an IDS in this case Suricata in your pfsense and have it also in grafana here I leave the link. https://github.com/opc40772/suricata-graylog

samara8609 commented 5 years ago

@opc40772 The last problem i seem to have is that when i want recent results i have to set the time in both graylog and grafana to minus 5 hours, its like its trying to compensate for UTC, was there a setting you had to set to deal with that?

opc40772 commented 5 years ago

My pfsense pipeline is

rule "timestamp_pfsense_for_grafana" when has_field("timestamp") then // the following date format assumes there's no time zone in the string let source_timestamp = parse_date(substring(to_string(now("America/Habana")),0,23), "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS"); let dest_timestamp = format_date(source_timestamp,"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); set_field("real_timestamp", dest_timestamp); end

You must set your correct timezone. In my case was America/Havana


samara8609 commented 5 years ago

@opc40772 I got it figured out, i'm running in docker and all my containers were running on UTC timezone, once i got it fixed to my TZ they all show correctly.

opc40772 commented 5 years ago

@samara8609 Ok. Regards.

e-d-i-t commented 4 years ago

I had many problems getting everything to work so I decided to install everything from scratch on a single ubuntu server. Though I am merely an MS admin, padding my shoulder as after 5 days I got it working. No building revproxy, got one externally. Now I can harden stuff with the firewall within ubuntu and set some apps to localhost and such... One thing which still kept me with empty screens was the timestamp_pfsense_for_grafana... Don't use it. Set server and every app you install to your local timezone and use "timestamp" as field for creating Grafana Data Source...