opcoach / jagsy

Some code to help to edit files for the jags project
Eclipse Public License 1.0
0 stars 1 forks source link

Create a GitHub page to describe the project. #27

Open opcoach opened 6 years ago

opcoach commented 6 years ago

Use GitHub page to create a nice home page for the project

bhlbarxios commented 6 years ago

Jagsy : an new editor for JAGS

Jagsy aims to provide a simple editor for writing clean JAGS code. Jagsy speeds up the development of JAGS code by providing auto-formatting, syntax checking and auto-completion.

Jagsy is based on the eclipse framework module and as such can be incorporated to Eclipse RCP applications. Jagsy comes with a stand-alone application that can be straightforwardly used on the three main operating systems, i.e., linux/mac/windows

Current Key Features - version 0.1 [XXXX/XX/XX - released] - stable :

Short-term Planned Features - version 0.2 [XXXX/XX/XX - expected] - beta:

Long-term Unplanned Features - version X.X [XXX/XX/XX - unplanned] - gamma:

The project of jagsy is a collaboration between OpCoach ( France - @opcoach ) and Arxios ( Belgium - @bhlbarxios ).

opcoach commented 6 years ago

The main page is available here :


Must still change some stuff inside... but must hack the theme...