The font building mechanism will now search for a font in the installed system font collection if it can't be found as a file.
The property LastSize is exposed in QFontDrawingPrimitive, which caches the last printed/measured string size.
Add a check to ensure that each character in the character set used by the builder is unique.
Added support for cpu scissor testing via clipping rectangles. This was needed to easily support GUI systems built using QuickFont, specifically Gwen.NET (see
The font building mechanism will now search for a font in the installed system font collection if it can't be found as a file. The property LastSize is exposed in QFontDrawingPrimitive, which caches the last printed/measured string size. Add a check to ensure that each character in the character set used by the builder is unique. Added support for cpu scissor testing via clipping rectangles. This was needed to easily support GUI systems built using QuickFont, specifically Gwen.NET (see