opea-project / GenAIExamples

Generative AI Examples is a collection of GenAI examples such as ChatQnA, Copilot, which illustrate the pipeline capabilities of the Open Platform for Enterprise AI (OPEA) project.
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Involvement with the CNCF Cloud Native AI Working Group #97

Open raravena80 opened 2 months ago

raravena80 commented 2 months ago


I'm one of the leads for the CNCF Cloud Native AI Working Group. It would be great if we can get some of the folks working on this initiative to help create a Cloud Native AI reference architecture.

You can join the conversation here: https://cloud-native.slack.com/archives/C05TYJE81SR

More info here: https://tag-runtime.cncf.io/wgs/cnaiwg/

Thanks! Ricardo

hshen14 commented 2 weeks ago

This sounds interesting! Thanks @raravena80 for bringing up. @mkbhanda

mkbhanda commented 1 week ago

Thank you @raravena80 for raising this issue. We have enough in OPEA to get you launching some popular RAG pipelines such as ChatQnA, CodeGen in a Kubernetes environment. At one of the bi-weekly meetings we could have a quick overview of OPEA and a demo and would be delighted to have more folks join our effort!

Please follow the steps at https://github.com/opea-project/GenAIInfra/tree/main/microservices-connector to set up our microservice connector service and follow https://github.com/opea-project/GenAIInfra/blob/main/microservices-connector/usage_guide.md to set up the ChatQnA example application. One can change the model being used dynamically. The system also supports invoking external services such as an LLM hosted in AWS.

Looking forward to getting your feedback!

arun-gupta commented 1 week ago

@mkbhanda There are far too many detailed steps in Getting Started. How can we simplify this experience to a single command? Helm chart?

mkbhanda commented 6 days ago

Certainly. 👍🏿

From: Arun Gupta @.> Sent: Friday, June 21, 2024 1:05:41 PM To: opea-project/GenAIExamples @.> Cc: Bhandaru, Malini @.>; Mention @.> Subject: Re: [opea-project/GenAIExamples] Involvement with the CNCF Cloud Native AI Working Group (Issue #97)

@mkbhandahttps://github.com/mkbhanda There are far too many detailed steps in Getting Started. How can we simplify this experience to a single command? Helm chart?

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