opea-project / GenAIInfra

Containerization and cloud native suite for OPEA
Apache License 2.0
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GMC: Watch cr status #117

Open KfreeZ opened 1 week ago

KfreeZ commented 1 week ago


Add a new task to watch the resource from the main thread, and update the GMC's status if anything changes.



Type of change

List the type of change like below. Please delete options that are not relevant.




Describe the tests that you ran to verify your changes.

the router service URL is: http://router-service.chatqa.svc.cluster.local:8080
Add resources to monitor task
 received monitor object: {{chatqa chatqa} [{{chatqa embedding-svc} {chatqa embedding-svc-deployment}} {{chatqa tei-embedding-svc} {chatqa tei-embedding-svc-deployment}} {{chatqa retriever-svc} {chatqa retriever-svc-deployment}} {{chatqa redis-vector-db} {chatqa redis-vector-db-deployment}} {{chatqa reranking-svc} {chatqa reranking-svc-deployment}} {{chatqa tei-reranking-svc} {chatqa tei-reranking-svc-deployment}} {{chatqa llm-svc} {chatqa llm-svc-deployment}} {{chatqa tgi-service-m} {chatqa tgi-service-m-deployment}} {{chatqa router-service} {chatqa router-service-deployment}}] 9 0 9} 

spec changed false | meta changed: true
{chatqa chatqa} status changed from 9 to 2
Updated GMC chatqa@chatqa status to map[accessUrl:http://router-service.chatqa.svc.cluster.local:8080 condition:map[] status:2/0/9]

spec changed false | meta changed: true

root@cis-gms-worker-3:~/zkf/kfreez/GenAIInfra/microservices-connector# kubectl get gmc -n chatqa
NAME     URL                                                   READY   AGE
chatqa   http://router-service.chatqa.svc.cluster.local:8080   2/0/9   5d23h