Repository for the development of ADRIA: Adaptive Dynamic Reef Intervention Algorithms. ADRIA is a multi-criteria decision support tool set particularly useful for informing reef restoration and adaptation interventions.
[x] Data format management (DHW mortality cube, site data, initial coral cover, k, connectivity, cyclone mortality?). NOTE we won't be using k values (carrying capacity) as a selection criterion for reefs in ReefMod. It was decided in our last meeting (advised by JC Ortiz and YM Bozec) that carrying capacity should only be used for sites (IPMF and ADRIA)
[x] Sit-down and document key parameter scenarios for Feb report @KRNA01 @ConnectedSystems @Rosejoycrocker.
[x] Yves-Marie Cairns data ~site~ reef selection (ReefMod) @Rosejoycrocker to prioritise adding ai.siteSelection. NOTE that ReefMod (in RRAP) uses reefs as smallest unit, not site.
[ ] Prepare ADRIA presentation for last week of Feb @Rosejoycrocker @ConnectedSystems.
[ ] BNN analyses for Feb deliv/ Tradeoffs @Rosejoycrocker.
[x] #133
[ ] Adding functions for automating figures in ADRIA (app idea ?). Cleaning up/adding to ADRIA plotting folder.
[x] Whitsundays cluster - following Barbara and Vero RECOM runs. NOTE: The cluster that David Mead picked is the Brick Reefs cluster. This will be part of the business case, but because it's a late arrival, we're unlikely to do a full regional analysis with ReefMod as we are doing in Cairns to integrate with complement Moore.