Currently, for some model inspection using the underlying brms functions the internal structure of the bayesnecfit and bayesmanecfit is exposed. E.g., plot(fit$fit); sample_priors(fit$fit$prior). It would seem preferable to have methods for the objects which allow to extract the information without the user being aware of the internal structure of the object. One might also allow to extract the `brms' object and have the user who is familiar with the brms package re-use functionality from that package.
Currently, for some model inspection using the underlying brms functions the internal structure of the bayesnecfit and bayesmanecfit is exposed. E.g., plot(fit$fit); sample_priors(fit$fit$prior). It would seem preferable to have methods for the objects which allow to extract the information without the user being aware of the internal structure of the object. One might also allow to extract the `brms' object and have the user who is familiar with the brms package re-use functionality from that package.