open-austin / texasappleseed

:apple: Stop Kids from Being Pushed out of School (school-to-prison pipeline)
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Brainstorming landing page content #1

Open johntyree opened 9 years ago

johntyree commented 9 years ago

Attach any images or content ideas that you think might be a good candidate for the site here.

luqmaan commented 9 years ago

MCraven2800 commented 9 years ago

We would like for the layout for the site to be similar to—the school-to-prison pipeline website for the non-profit, The Advancement Project---and are relying on that basic design for the description below. Texas Appleseed has content for most sections. The following is a sketch of the types of materials that will appear on each page. Yamanda will cover the data/map piece in a separate description/in person at Tuesday's meeting.

Here is the Advancement Project's homepage with some edits (copy is not set in stone, just a placeholder): fullsizerender

Top Row Tabs/Drop Downs:

● Texas Appleseed: Link to main Texas Appleseed page

● Home: To STPP Homepage

● About:

  1. The Problem (What is the School-to-Pipeline?)
  2. What you can do
  3. Who we are

● Maps:

  1. Texas map divided by school district with 3-4 variables to manipulate a. MUST include a map tracking student discipline and police interactions by race, with
    accompanying list highlighting worst-offender districts.
    1. Associated tables with instructions re how to use/copy-paste
    2. Access to Open Records Requests
    3. Community organizations and resources by district
    4. Call to action: Share your story, improve and check our data

● Resources:

  1. Reports
  2. Tools
  3. Information

● Share your Story: To Google form (or some other form) to collect student stories and grade districts (district
report card)

Bottom Row Buttons:

● Students:

  1. Paragraph explanation of how students are impacted by STPP
  2. STPP infographic
  3. Three students/student organization stories (photographs and student words or videos?)
  4. links to videos of police/student interactions
  5. Call to Action/How students can change their districts

● Parents:

  1. Paragraph explanation and call to action
  2. Sample discipline letters and Open Records Requests
  3. Explanations of the Law
  4. Photos/stories of other parent groups

● Educators:

  1. Paragraph explanation and call to action
  2. Examples of alternatives to traditional discipline
  3. Explanations of the Law

● Unique Groups:
o Brief paragraphs with information and basic data for . . .

  1. African American Students
  2. Latino Students
  3. Special Education Students
  4. LGBTQ Students

● Community Organizations:

  1. Paragraph explanation and call to action
  2. Feature existing community orgs (photos or videos)
  3. Chart for creating community orgs
  4. Best practices materials
johntyree commented 9 years ago

Image from

johntyree commented 9 years ago

:bell: @carissamelanson :bell: