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[INSTALL] Ocacu registration #29

Closed emanwebdev closed 11 years ago

emanwebdev commented 11 years ago

No it was meant to register only if it was successful...that's a bug :( can you fix it? thanks.

it's not about registering if it was successful

it's about "Do you allow people NOT to register on install" ?

is that ok for you to have website running OC without being registered to Ocacu?

As in that case you cannot

They are 2 different things to record:

neo22s commented 11 years ago

I be fair you should be able to choose.

I am changing the business already no free forum only 1 free theme...

Let's see if that is enough if not I will create life cycle emails after installation and force them to register at ocaku.

I hope I don't need to but...who knows.

emanwebdev commented 11 years ago

life cycle emails after installation

so you do need to collect these :e-mail: addresses at install time

at the end of a successful installation, v.easy to send an :email: to a specific address @Open Classifieds it's a :key: point for the sake of...

neo22s commented 11 years ago

I understand...I was doing that before.

Maybe we could suscribe them to a newsletter...or something like that...

I will think about it, thanks.

emanwebdev commented 11 years ago

suscribe them to a newsletter.

right, but to a different newsletter than the official one. One targeted at converting prospects to customers but right, it's another story, just my marketing side coming back ;)

neo22s commented 11 years ago

No its great I mean ;)