The latency to render the manifest work is too large after calling the addonMgr.Trigger(clusterName, addonName)
2024-08-01T03:14:39.780Z INFO strimzi-transporter waiting the kafka cluster instance to be ready...
2024-08-01T03:14:39.780Z INFO strimzi-transporter kafka cluster is ready
2024-08-01T03:14:39.780Z INFO trigger the addon on the managed-hub by addonManager
2024-08-01T03:20:12.584Z INFO update the kafkaUser: managed-hub-kafka-user (Update the manifest)
2024-08-01T03:20:12.584Z INFO strimzi-transporter reconcile global hub kafka transport...
It takes 5~6 minutes to render the manifest on the cluster.
The latency to render the manifest work is too large after calling the
addonMgr.Trigger(clusterName, addonName)
It takes 5~6 minutes to render the manifest on the cluster.