open-cluster-management-io / registration

hub / spoke registration controllers
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Registration failed on invalid ceritficate #294

Open cezhang opened 1 year ago

cezhang commented 1 year ago

Hi, I follow the Quick start section, and do that in two scenario :

  1. hub(k3s) - spoke(k3s), k3s created by k3d(running on my local macbook), registration ok
  2. hub(azure ack) - spoke(k3s), k3 s created by k3d(running on my local macbook), registration failed

logs show in klusterlet-registration-agent in open-cluster-management-agent namespace: failed to list *v1.CertificateSigningRequest: Get "https://*******:443/apis/": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority Failed to watch *v1.CertificateSigningRequest: failed to list *v1.CertificateSigningRequest: Get "https://*******:443/apis/": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority

I also check the log from cluster-manager

W0207 03:25:39.607494       1 cmd.go:213] Using insecure, self-signed certificates
I0207 03:25:40.066363       1 observer_polling.go:159] Starting file observer
W0207 03:25:40.101862       1 builder.go:230] unable to get owner reference (falling back to namespace): pods is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:open-cluster-management:cluster-manager" cannot list resource "pods" in API group "" in the namespace "open-cluster-management"
I0207 03:25:40.102038       1 builder.go:262] clustermanager version v0.9.0-0-g919dae6-919dae6
W0207 03:25:40.541528       1 secure_serving.go:69] Use of insecure cipher 'TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256' detected.
W0207 03:25:40.541550       1 secure_serving.go:69] Use of insecure cipher 'TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256' detected.

Same in both scenario

What am I missing?

skeeey commented 1 year ago

it seems the bootstrap kubeconfig has problems, would you try to expose the bootstrap kubeconfig from the managed cluster bootstrap kubeconfig secret kubectl -n open-cluster-management-agent get secrets bootstrap-hub-kubeconfig -oyaml and use it to connect the hub

skeeey commented 1 year ago

or would you try the command clusteradm to registration your clusters, I think the clusteradm is more easy than make scripts, thanks

cezhang commented 1 year ago

or would you try the command clusteradm to registration your clusters, I think the clusteradm is more easy than make scripts, thanks

I was using clusteradm. Already try twice, still the same problem

qiujian16 commented 1 year ago

which version of clusteradm are you using? we are testing k3s and update the doc here

cezhang commented 1 year ago

which version of clusteradm are you using? we are testing k3s and update the doc here

client      version :v0.4.1

server release  version :v1.24.4+k3s1
default bundle  version :0.9.1
qiujian16 commented 1 year ago

hrm I think the failed case is running AKS as a hub (or ACK?). We met some issue by running aks as hub before. Will recheck and come back later.

cezhang commented 1 year ago

yes, Azure k8s service as hub

skeeey commented 1 year ago

OK, we will try it on our side, thanks

skeeey commented 1 year ago

/cc @ldpliu

ldpliu commented 1 year ago

@cezhang I tried aks(with default config) in my env, and it works fine. Do you have any special config like CNI when you create the aks cluster?

cezhang commented 1 year ago

I try it in a new aks env(1.25.1), it's ok, but not with my 1.22(aks), all with default config. Let me take a deep look in this before I get back here.

BTW, thanks.