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mean connectome error? #162

Open edunnwe1 opened 9 years ago

edunnwe1 commented 9 years ago

I forget what error the human connectome project made in its attempts to evaluate the mean connectome, and I guess I didn't understand well enough the first time since in looking back at the report it's not obvious to me. Could someone explain? Thanks.

dlee138 commented 9 years ago

I believe it had to do with their choice of the decision rule - could you give me a link to the paper (or the author and title)? I cannot seem to find it.

imichaelnorris commented 9 years ago

The mean Connectome stuff was emailed to the class mailing list by Greg a few weeks ago. Go to

It's the lifespan pilot report. sorry I can't link directly, but I'm on mobile

edunnwe1 commented 9 years ago

I guess in this report?