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Drawbacks of MDMR (Shehzad) #180

Open dlee138 opened 9 years ago

dlee138 commented 9 years ago

The Shehzad paper mentioned the benefits and the reasoning behind using MDMR in their studies, such as its ability to allow more than one predictor variable at a time. However, are there any drawbacks with this method, which we should be wary of?

DSP137 commented 9 years ago

There is a section at the end of the paper regarding limitations of their method. One of the major limitations mentioned is a decreased sensitivity to localized sets of connections that may be associated with a particular phenotype. Another thing to notice is that p-values are found for the correlation distance matrix against a created null distribution. There is dependence between the matrix for one voxel and the matrix for another, and this dependence will be reflected in the p-value, so this is something to keep in mind as well.