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introductory material
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graph theory introductory resources #209

Open edunnwe1 opened 9 years ago

edunnwe1 commented 9 years ago

For those who have taken graph theory/are currently taking graph theory, can you recommend resources for learning more of the theory behind it? Or point me to some of the fundamental theorems? Just curious to learn more to better imagine what we can do with it. Thanks!

DSP137 commented 9 years ago

We are using the text "Introduction to Graph Theory" by Douglas West, second edition. (ISBN-13: 978-0130144003 ISBN-10: 0130144002)

Some of the main topics addressed had to do with bipartite graphs, trees, matchings and vertex/edge coverings, minimum vertex degree, k-connectivity (where a graph has minimum degree k and the minimum number of vertices to delete in order to disconnect a graph is k>=0), and graph-colorings (along with chromatic polynomial of a graph, by which I mean the total number of ways to color a graph with k colors so that no two adjacent vertices have the same color). Some of the named theorems have been Menger's Theorem (having to do with connectivity in a graph), Hall's Matching condition, Gallai's theorem, Whitney's theorem (there are actually several theorems of his), Brooks' theorem, and a theorem on chromatic recurrence. There is also a free preview of a graph theory text that is referenced (especially for graph connectivity) at: Just click on free preview. Hope this helps.

edunnwe1 commented 9 years ago

awesome, thanks so much!

mblohr commented 9 years ago