open-connectome-classes / StatConn-Spring-2015-Info

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"Weighting" areas of the brain #54

Open dlee138 opened 9 years ago

dlee138 commented 9 years ago

In class we discussed three possible ways to define different brain areas, 1) Physical proximity 2) Tissue make-up/Histology (Brodmann) and 3) Functionality. I was wondering if scientists frequently combine 2 or more of these categories and have them weighted (i.e. use histology and functionality, but have functionality weighed more heavily by a certain factor) to define regions of the brain. Is this a common practice in the field or do most scientists just stick to one category at a time?

ajulian3 commented 9 years ago

In my experience, my PIs always focused on functionality of the brain when weighting data. Specifically, this made it easier to standardize results across previous research for comparisons. The issue came with weighting and making sure both datasets were standardized using the same algorithm.