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Loss and Risk Functional #78

Open dlee138 opened 9 years ago

dlee138 commented 9 years ago

Based on the syllabus, it looks like we were supposed to cover loss and risk functionals last class but we didn't have a chance to get to it. Can anyone give a brief summary of what they are and how they are applied to the k means algorithm?

ElanHR commented 9 years ago

Well I suppose we went over these already somewhat but here's an attempt at answering for the 2nd part:

Loss is usually defined as a cost (defined by some parameters) of taking different actions, in the case of k-means this is the cost (mean squared error) of assigning some sample x to cluster j. This loss is parameterized by the number of clusters and the cluster assignments

Risk is the expected loss given a distribution so this would be the average squared error over all possible samples/assignments. Since our K-means depends on how it is initialized, we would also have to find the expected value over different initial clusters in the case of random selection.

mrjiaruiwang commented 9 years ago

Loss is from the perspective of optimization the objective function. It is necessary to have a loss function, or else we are just wandering aimlessly in math space. But loss is also a random variable. For different samples, we will see a distribution of losses, so it is necessary to use risk to give us an expected value of the random variable.