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Add table for field translations (procurement method, status) #103

Closed jpmckinney closed 8 months ago

jpmckinney commented 9 months ago

Can put them all in the same table

jpmckinney commented 9 months ago

@Camilamila Any other fields to translate? Which status fields?

You can provide the translations for the codes in this issue, then I'll create the table.

Camilamila commented 9 months ago


Code ES translation
open abierto
selective selectivo
limited limitado
direct directo
tender/status Code ES translation
active activo
pending pendiente
cancelled cancelado
unsuccessful sin éxito
bids/status Code ES translation
Disqualified descalificada
Qualified calificada
InTreatment pendiente
roles Code ES translation
bidder oferente
supplier proveedor
jpmckinney commented 9 months ago

@vgeryarbc I've created a codelist table with the translations of field values.

method = /tender/procurementMethod tenderStatus = /tender/status bidStatus = /bids/details[]/status partyRole = /parties[]/roles (array)

vgeryarbc commented 8 months ago

Added to solution.