open-contracting / deploy

Deployment configuration and scripts
Apache License 2.0
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Apache default improvements #465

Closed ghost closed 10 months ago

ghost commented 10 months ago

The default site config needs to be the first site in-order to apply correctly. If the default site is not first then another site will return to "unexpected traffic" such as direct requests to the IP address. This bug exists on Cove because cove is first alphabetically.

ghost commented 10 months ago

@jpmckinney, I would like to address the default site missing HTTP -> HTTPS redirect issue discussed over email, please can you advise on the best approach.

My current thought is a query such as if name = "" and ssl and port = 80 then manually enter a redirect configuration (see below). We don't want to enable mod_md because they shouldn't have a valid cert. I am also concerned that _common.conf is very jinja heavy so this will make the file less readable.

RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}$1 [R=301,L]
jpmckinney commented 10 months ago

The default site config needs to be the first site in-order to apply correctly.

Good catch!

This will leave a default.conf symlink in sites-enabled and file in sites-available. When deploying, can you manually delete those?

I would like to address the default site missing HTTP -> HTTPS redirect issue discussed over email, please can you advise on the best approach.

Can you remind me what the issue is?

ghost commented 10 months ago

I would like to address the default site missing HTTP -> HTTPS redirect issue discussed over email, please can you advise on the best approach.

Can you remind me what the issue is?

SecurityScorecard is rating us F because the default pages are currently served over HTTP. The default page has no value for an attacker but it would be nice to address to bring the score up.

jpmckinney commented 10 months ago

I think before the closing VirtualHost:

    {%- if not servername and ssl and port == 80 %}
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule ^ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]
    {%- endif %}