Get the ancestor::efext:EformsExtension/efac:Organizations/efac:Organization/efac:Company whose /cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID is equal to the organization's .id, and:
Add 'supplier' to the organization's .roles array.
For each ancestor::efac:NoticeResult/efac:LotResult with an /efac:SettledContract/cbc:ID equal to the value of ancestor::efac:SettledContract/cbc:ID:
Get the ancestor::efext:EformsExtension/efac:Organizations/efac:Organization/efac:Company whose /cac:PartyIdentification/cbc:ID is equal to the organization's .id,
both lead you to the same organization in parties. I think we can just remove the second part so the guidance will become:
The guidance for BT-3202-Contract is long but I think there's an unnecessary duplication within it. The current guidance is:
The duplication is in these two lines:
both lead you to the same organization in
. I think we can just remove the second part so the guidance will become:which is slightly friendlier!