open-contracting / infrastructure

Documentation of the Open Contracting for Infrastructure Data Standards (OC4IDS) Toolkit
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conservation measures: create codelist and conservationMeasures object within new environment object #401

Closed odscjen closed 7 months ago

odscjen commented 8 months ago


This issue relates to the following CoST IDS elements proposed in the CoST IDS/OC4IDS review:

Conservation measures ## Conservation measures **Module:** Environmental and climate **Indicator:** Biodiversity impact ### Disclosure format > Disclose and provide further details on the measures adopted by the project to protect and enhance biodiversity. This can comprise, without limitation the following: ​​avoidance of ecological sitting buffers for ecological land nature-based solutions land restoration protection to landscape and historical sites invasive species management management of wildlife mortality risk reduce habitat loss pollution reduction soil management hazardous material management]) others (explain) ### OC4IDS mapping >Project level: For each measure add a `ConservationMeasure` object to the `environment.conservationMeasures` array, setting its `.type` according to the matching code in the open “conservationMeasuresType” codelist and mapping the further explanation to its `.description`. If there is an accompanying document publish in `documents`, with `.documentType` set to 'conservationMeasures’ and include a short description and/or a link to a document providing details. If the details are part of a more general document indicate the relevant section of the document using `.pageStart` and `.pageEnd`.


Create a conservationMeasure object comprising a type and description. An array of these measures will be created as conservationMeasures within the new environment object (see conservationMeasure.type will take from an open codelist, conservationMeasures.

“conservationMeasures” will be added to the documentType codelist to identify accompanying documentation the publisher may have.

Research is still required to fully define the conservationMeasures codelist.

Add the following fields and objects:

Path Title Description Type (format) Codelist
environment.conservationMeasures Conservation measures The measures adopted by the project to protect and enhance biodiversity. array of ConservationMeasures objects -
ConservationMeasure Conservation measure A measure adopted by the project to protect and enhance biodiversity. object  
ConservationMeasure.type Type The type of conservation measure, using the open conservationMeasures codelist. string conservationMeasures
ConservationMeasure.description Description A short description of the conservation measure.    

Add the following codes:

Codelist Code Title Description
conservationMeasures TBD Avoidance of ecological setting TBD
conservationMeasures TBD Buffers for ecological land TBD
conservationMeasures TBD nature based solutions TBD
conservationMeasures TBD land restoration TBD
conservationMeasures TBD protection to landscape and historical sites TBD
conservationMeasures TBD invasive species management TBD
conservationMeasures TBD management of wildlife mortality risk TBD
conservationMeasures TBD reduce habitat loss TBD
conservationMeasures TBD pollution reduction TBD
conservationMeasures TBD soil management TBD
conservationMeasures TBD hazardous material management TBD
documentType conservationMeasures Conservation measures Documentation detailing measures to be taken to mitigate the project’s impact on biodiversity


 "environment": { 
   "conservationMeasures": [ 
    "type": "landRestoration", 
    "description": "Land restoration measures for the project include..." 
 "documents": [ 
    "id": "1", 
    "documentType": "conservationMeasures", 
    "url": "" 


cc @evelyndinora

odscjen commented 8 months ago

Note from Maria at CoST:

"A new FIDIC/WWF report published in September can help us create categories of conservation measures. Here are key categories they used in case it helps - they are mostly associated with nature-based solutions:

  • Afforestation, reforestation and woodland creation
  • Open green spaces and tree planting
  • Green corridor and green walls and roofs
  • Reintroduction of species
  • Creation of new protected area
  • Revegetation of slopes
  • Landscape and river restoration
  • Catch management
  • Coastal restoration and connected measures (ecological seawalls, restoration of mangrove forests, salt marsh, coral reefs, wetlands and sea grass)
  • Marine life and marine habitat restoration
  • Economic instruments for biodiversity and habitat offsetting
  • Erosion protection
  • Sludge treatment
  • Pollution treatment
  • Wetlands (restoration and creation)
  • Use of low-impact materials"

There's little overlap between this list and the originally suggested list of terms, although as Maria says a number of these new terms could all come under "nature based solutions".

odscjen commented 8 months ago

Looking through the IFC Performance Standard 6: Biodiversity conservation and sustainable management of living natural resources they mention the following conversation measures that a project may take:

odscjen commented 8 months ago

The SuRe - Standard for Sustainable and resilient infrastructure includes "Theme E2: Biodiversity and Ecosystems" that covers related requirements of infrastructure projects that wish to be certified by this body. There are few specific measures to be taken detailed in this standard, it focuses more on the required outcome and associated evidence to be provided. But broad measures mentioned include:

Theme E4: Pollution

Theme E5: Land use and Landscape

odscjen commented 8 months ago

BREEAM Infrastructure projects international version section 4: Land use and ecology. As with SuRe this standard is focused more on the outcomes and evidence than the specific measures but contains the following mentions of measures:

Section 6: Pollution

odscjen commented 8 months ago

Based on the research quoted above I'm suggesting we convert the initial suggested data point list into the following codes:

Codelist Code Title Description
conservationMeasures locationAnalysis Location analysis Location analysis was performed to select the site with the minimum potentially negative ecological impacts as a result of the project.
conservationMeasures biologicalCorridors Biological corridors Areas of habitat connecting wildlife populations, or different habitat types necessary for species lifecycles, separated by human activities or structures. Also known as wildlife or green corridors.
conservationMeasures natureBasedSolutions Nature based solutions Conservation measures that use solutions already found in nature, for example conserving mangrove forests to protect homes against storm damage.
conservationMeasures habitatRestoration Habitat restoration The restoration of ecosystems negatively impacted by human activities, both historically and as a direct result of the project.
conservationMeasures setAsides Set-asides Identification of areas within the project boundaries that are excluded from development and targeted for conservation enhancement measures.
conservationMeasures invasiveSpeciesManagement Invasive species management Measures taken to prevent the introduction of alien, invasive or non-native species, and combat the presence of such species identified within the project boundaries.
conservationMeasures habitatLossReduction Reduction of loss of habitat Measures that reduce the ecological habitats lost as a direct result of the project.
conservationMeasures pollutionReduction Reduction of pollution Measures that reduce the level of pollution generated as a direct result of the project. Pollution can include leakage into water courses or soil as well as noise, light, aerosol and gaseous emissions or vibrational nuisance to nearby wildlife populations.
conservationMeasures soilManagement Soil management Measures that integrate sustainable soil management practices according to the Food and Agriculture Organization’s Charter and Sustainable Soil Management Criteria.
conservationMeasures biodiversityOffsets Biodiversity offsets Measurable outcomes as a result of actions designed to compensate for adverse biological impacts due to the project that persist after avoidance, minimization and restoration measures have been taken.
documentType conservationMeasures Conservation measures Documentation detailing measures to be taken to mitigate the project’s impact on biodiversity

It makes sense to keep these fairly high level and as there is the associated .description field that publisher can use to give fuller details, e.g.

 "environment": { 
   "conservationMeasures": [ 
    "type": "natureBasedSolutions", 
    "description": "Green walls and roofs shall be incorporated into the buildings design" 

Reasoning for removing some of the originally suggested points:

cc @mgraca-prado, @EvelynDinora

odscjen commented 8 months ago

@mgraca-prado, @EvelynDinora @jpmckinney any thoughts, objections of clarifications needed for the proposed object in the issue description or the codelist codes and descriptions as given in this comment

jpmckinney commented 8 months ago

LTGM, except I don't understand the combination of

Can you share quotes from sources for this code?

odscjen commented 8 months ago

Yeah that was a really tricky one that I probably didn't get quite right. The original code suggested by CoST was "​​avoidance of ecological sitting". From my research the most relevant metric I found came from SuRe:

"The Project shall carefully assess the Project location and siting during the design and construction phases of the Project, in consultation with Affected Communities and relevant public authorities. The Project shall also avoid degrading critical Natural Capital areas that provide important Ecosystem Services (at various scales - both local and global)."

So it's about saying that the project conducted analysis to try and ensure that out of the potential locations available, the location/site they picked minimized the potential for ecological damage, i.e. avoided picking a site with high ecological value.

Perhaps a better version would be:

Code: locationAnalysis Title: Location analysis Description: Location analysis was performed to select the site with the minimum potentially negative ecological impacts as a result of the project.

As it's in a codelist called conservationMeasures the code probably doesn't need to explicitly mention ecology

EvelynDinora commented 8 months ago

@odscjen the description sounds good to us, many thanks!

odscjen commented 8 months ago

@jpmckinney does that new version of the code make more sense?

jpmckinney commented 8 months ago