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Open Design Kit is a living toolkit for designing with distributed collaborators.
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Interviewing: Round one #7

Closed deathbearbrown closed 8 years ago

deathbearbrown commented 8 years ago

For the first milestone the users we are focusing on are Bocoupers. The term is broad and covers people with the following roles:

I'm going to interview one person from each of these roles to get a sense of what assets they need to understand what design is and how it relates to their role at Bocoup.

MONDAY (may 16th) Interviews:

Tuesday Interview: Irene Bmac


deathbearbrown commented 8 years ago

Interview 1: PM/Account Manager

Q: What is a successful design project to you?

Q: Pretend I have no idea who you are and tell me what you're relationship is to design work here at bocoup.

Q: Can you give me an example of failure and success of our design process at Bocoup? Failure:


Q: If you were looking up documentation about our assets to explain them to a client, what would you want to see there?

Q: Super broad general, what can we be doing better question. Like, how about handoff and storage and all that stuff

Q: what about storing the history of decisions? Any ideas on that?

QUESTIONS FOR THE TEAM: What about when people only like to communicate through email, slack, irc etc, how do we keep the history of decisions and where do we keep them?? in a wiki?? What if the client isn't on github??

deathbearbrown commented 8 years ago

Interview 2: A DataVis engineer (my notes were real bad for this one, are these even sentences??! )

Q: What do you do at bocoup?

Q: Can you describe a successful design project here?

Q: Did you have to justify design work to the client at all?

Q: What kinds of things do you think would be useful to document in a kit like we are making? what tools have been helpful so far?

Q: How are you delivering assets?

Final thoughts: Yannick is thinking about a lighting talk for design that is not user centric

deathbearbrown commented 8 years ago

Interview 3: A PM

NOTE-- this was less of an interview and more brainstorming about PM stuff with Lorin. She hasn't had a design centric project here other than Lyra which was pretty chill.

Q: What is design? I think it's a person who puts together the concept of what an app should look like, but doesn't write the code. From Wilto she hears "I'm a designer, not a developer."
From Susan she hears "I'm not a designer, I'm a developer." So this is based on that.

[note here I just started asking some client relation questions I was curious about] Q: How do you get clients who aren't responding to you to pay attention?

Q: Any ideas around keeping documentation about decisions during the lifecycle of the project?

From talking to Lorin I wonder if we need to communicate what Design is every time someone onboards??

deathbearbrown commented 8 years ago

Interview 4: Open Web Engineer

Q: What do you do? I am an OWE. I do consulting. I help clients and their devs learn more about javascript, testing and writing better software. I also help clients achieve their goals for their products. With regards to design, I usually implement what I get from comps or wireframes into prototypes or web applications.

Q: Can you describe some successful design projects and some unsuccessful ones?



Q: Communication about design and our processes? How we doing?

Q: Asset handoff, what's good?

deathbearbrown commented 8 years ago

Interview 5: A Director (Sales, staffing & datavis)

Q: What do you do?

Q: How do you sell a 'design phase'?

Q: What are some successful Design projects? & Unsuccessful ones? Successful:



melodykramer commented 7 years ago

Do you ever recommend doing these interviews as a group?

pamela-drouin commented 7 years ago

@melodykramer Hi! I recommend doing this kind of interview one on one (or ideally, an interviewer, an interviewee, and a note-taker who can also ask a follow-up question or two). We've moved our content to a website, if you'd like to read more: