open-ecommerce-api / store-engine

An ecommerce backend-API created using Django and DRF (Django Rest Framework).
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Authentication / Signin - Sign up #75

Closed zamaniamin closed 1 year ago

zamaniamin commented 1 year ago

I coded the user Sign-in and Sign-up, pleas test and review the code and give me your feedback. thank you.

I will start this issues:

  1. reset pass word
  2. change password
  3. change email

update: you can test as superuser and simple user

zamaniamin commented 1 year ago

Because this is an API I suggest to use API keyword behind each path path("/api/user/signup"). I think its better and looks nicer. For each part of our app we can use some sort of pattern like path("/api/{APP_NAME}/{ACTION}" And one thing is that if you wanna have different releases, you will need versioning the api, in this way if you make changes in your api, there won't be much refactoring on front-end side. you can handle this with just simple solutions like adding vx -> v1 after api keyword.

Final form

path("api/v1/{APP_NAME}/", include('{APP_NAME}.urls'))

well, but if I set the routes like your suggestion, we have some config conflict with swagger. so we need to sync this with swagger. if you are interested in, we can create a new issue and leave it to you.