open-ephys / bonsai-onix1-docs

Documentation for the OpenEphys.Onix1 Bonsai package
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Add miniscope user guide #65

Open jonnew opened 2 months ago

jonnew commented 2 months ago

The attached bonsai workflow can be used for this user guide.

Miniscope V4 workflow ``` xml riffa 0 UclaMiniscopeV4 UclaMiniscopeV4/UclaMiniscopeV4 256 true Fps30Hz High false 33.7 48.1 UclaMiniscopeV4/PolledBno055 257 true ZYX MirrorZ MirrorY MirrorX PortA 5.2 2048 2048 start-time_.csv false false Timestamp true Timestamp,Value.AcquisitionClockHz,Value.BlockReadSize,Value.BlockWriteSize UclaMiniscopeV4/PortController port-status_.csv false false Timestamp false Timestamp,Value.Clock,Value.StatusCode,Value.SerdesLocked,Value.SerdesPass UclaMiniscopeV4/UclaMiniscopeV4 U8 Image video_.avi Timestamp true false FMP4 30 0 0 NearestNeighbor Clock video-clock_.raw Timestamp false ColumnMajor UclaMiniscopeV4/PolledBno055 bno055_.csv false false Timestamp false it Quaternion 0 -1 0 true COM4 ```