Explain hubs vs devices explicitly (hubs as aggregation of devices such as breakout board, headstages, miniscopes, and devices as actual chips and circuitry such as ts4321, rhs, etc), because defining this is relevant to how hubs and devices are configured.
Explain the differences between different Configure operators, including:
What they are (draw from the Reference here, introducing the terms aggregate and hub to mark the distinction between aggregate configuration operators for hubs and configuration operators for devices.
Move content stating that ConfigureHubs aggregate indiviudal device properties and you can set all from the hub property menu (from here)
Explain that there is no there is no menu distinction for different property categories in the ConfigureHub property menu. So, while user will see all of properties in the ConfigureHub, they must remember that different property categories behave differently than others while the workflow is running. Since there is no menu distinction for different property categories in the ConfigureHub property menu, they might inadvertently run into the confusion that changes made during acquisition in the ConfigureHub property menu for Configuration properties will not take effect while the workflow is running.
Explain that properties in ConfigureHub nodes are not externalizable so they cannot be dynamically set by the workflow. Users looking for fine control over the devices should consider configuring devices individually.
In Getting Started: