open-ephys / plugin-GUI

Software for processing, recording, and visualizing multichannel electrophysiology data
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Open Ephys GUI crashes at launch #484

Closed bennycui99 closed 2 years ago

bennycui99 commented 2 years ago

My GUI still crashes at launch at the version. When I launch the GUI without the acquisition board connected, it pops out the message"Acquisition board not found". When I connect the acquisition board, it crashed again. However, then I installed the version, and it worked. Similar things also happened when I was using The version also crashed on launch but after I installed the version, it stopped crashing. Here is the information on the console I copied

Debug console...

Created processor graph.

Got audio device. Audio device name: Speakers (2- High Definition Audio Device) Audio device type: Windows Audio Audio output channels: 2 Audio device sample rate: 44100 Audio device buffer size: 1024 Created audio component. Created message center. Created info label. Created graph viewer. Created data viewport. Created editor viewport. Created control panel. Created filter list. Created plugin manager Loading Plugin: ArduinoOutput... Loading Plugin: BasicSpikeDisplay... Loading Plugin: CAR... Loading Plugin: ChannelMappingNode... Loading Plugin: EvntTrigAvg... Loading Plugin: FilterNode... Loading Plugin: IntanRecordingController... Loading Plugin: LfpDisplayNode... Loading Plugin: PhaseDetector... Loading Plugin: PulsePalOutput... Loading Plugin: RecordControl... Loading Plugin: Rectifier... Loading Plugin: RhythmNode... Loading Plugin: SerialInput... Loading Plugin: SpikeSorter... Num built in engines: 2 Adding engine: Binary Adding engine: Open Ephys Num plugin engines: 0

Loading window bounds.

Comparing configs Creating processor with name: Rhythm FPGA Creating from plugin info... Rhythm FPGA(1)::Rhythm FPGA C:\Program Files\Open Ephys ---- Intan Technologies ---- Rhythm RHD2000 Controller v1.41 ----

FrontPanel DLL loaded. Built: Nov 11 2016 13:08:03

Scanning USB for Opal Kelly devices...

Found 1 Opal Kelly device connected: Device #1: Opal Kelly XEM6310LX45 with serial number 2049000V24

Trying to open device with serial 2049000V24 Device opened FPGA system clock: 0 MHz Opal Kelly device firmware version: 1.30 Opal Kelly device serial number: 2049000V24 Opal Kelly device ID string: Opal Kelly XEM6310

Rhythm configuration file successfully loaded. Rhythm version number: 1

Initializing acquisition board. Blocksize set to 1024 DDR burst set to 32 Sample rate set to 30000 USB3 board mode enabled Sample rate set to 30000 Number of enabled data streams: 8 Checking for connected amplifier chips... Number of enabled data streams: 0 Sample rate set to 30000 Rhythm FPGA updating settings. Rhythm FPGA setting num outputs to 0 Creating processor with name: Record Node Creating from plugin info... (-1)::Record Node Record Node updating settings. Creating processor with name: LFP Viewer Creating from plugin info... LFP viewer(1)::LFP Viewer LFP Viewer updating settings. Creating processor with name: File Reader Creating from plugin info... (-1)::File Reader File Reader updating settings. File Reader setting num outputs to 16 Loading parameters for Rhythm FPGA Rhythm FPGA updating settings. Rhythm FPGA setting num outputs to 8 ADC Button toggled Loading parameters for File Reader Rhythm FPGA updating settings. Rhythm FPGA setting num outputs to 8 Rhythm FPGA updating settings. Rhythm FPGA setting num outputs to 8 Record Node updating settings.

jsiegle commented 2 years ago

Is your acquisition board being disconnected via USB or the 5V power supply? When I disconnect just the USB, I can replicate these crashes. However, when I disconnect and re-connect the power supply, the signal chain reloads fine.

If you are power cycling the acquisition board between launches and it's still crashing, can you send the lastConfig.xml file that's giving you issues?

sppmg commented 2 years ago

Hi I got similar problem, but it's Intan headstages which not connected. Crash immediate after launch, no any warning.

It's work after connect Intan headstages. Oh, I used v0.5.5.3 on win7.

jsiegle commented 2 years ago

Hi @sppmg, if you remove lastConfig.xml and recoveryConfig.xml from C:\ProgramData\Open Ephys\ (be sure to save a backup somewhere), you will be able to open the GUI and re-build your signal chain. If you can send a copy of either one of those files to we can get a better sense of what's going on.

sppmg commented 2 years ago

Hi. In my case, it's fixed after I connect Intan headstages. (It doesn't need remove *.xml.) But I think if some warning or maybe pointer check/exception handing will be better.

jsiegle commented 2 years ago

Definitely agree! We are currently working on cleaning up the Rhythm FPGA plugin, this will be fixed in the next release.

bennycui99 commented 2 years ago

edit: it seems to be working after I removed these two files. It just took some time for the GUI to launch as shown in Loading window bounds. The console stuck at that line before I changed the display resolution, and then the GUI appeared and worked normally. @jsiegle When I removed lastConfig.xml and recoveryConfig.xml from C:\ProgramData\Open Ephys\ I still could not launch the GUI. The debug console is different:

Debug console...

Created processor graph.

Got audio device. Audio device name: Speakers (2- High Definition Audio Device) Audio device type: Windows Audio Audio output channels: 2 Audio device sample rate: 44100 Audio device buffer size: 1024 Created audio component. Created message center. Created info label. Created graph viewer. Created data viewport. Created editor viewport. Created control panel. Created filter list. Created plugin manager Loading Plugin: ArduinoOutput... Loading Plugin: BasicSpikeDisplay... Loading Plugin: CAR... Loading Plugin: ChannelMappingNode... Loading Plugin: EvntTrigAvg... Loading Plugin: FilterNode... Loading Plugin: IntanRecordingController... Loading Plugin: LfpDisplayNode... Loading Plugin: PhaseDetector... Loading Plugin: PulsePalOutput... Loading Plugin: RecordControl... Loading Plugin: Rectifier... Loading Plugin: RhythmNode... Loading Plugin: SerialInput... Loading Plugin: SpikeSorter... Num built in engines: 2 Adding engine: Binary Adding engine: Open Ephys Num plugin engines: 0

Loading window bounds.

Num engines: 2

jsiegle commented 2 years ago

This should be fixed now, but if not please open an issue in the new Rhythm Plugins repository: