open-feature / java-sdk

Java implementation of the OpenFeature SDK
Apache License 2.0
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[FEATURE] Make provider interface "stateless", SDK maintains provider state #844

Open toddbaert opened 3 months ago

toddbaert commented 3 months ago

Stateless providers

Providers no longer maintain their own state: the state for each provider is maintained in the SDK automatically, and updated according to the success/failures of lifecycle methods (init/shutdown) or events emitted from providers spontaneously.

Similar work in C#:

### Tasks
- [ ] [Requirement 1.7.1]( The client MUST define a provider status accessor which indicates the readiness of the associated provider, with possible values NOT_READY, READY, STALE, ERROR, or FATAL.
- [ ] [Requirement 1.7.3]( The client's provider status accessor MUST indicate READY if the initialize function of the associated provider terminates normally.
- [ ] [Requirement 1.7.4]( The client's provider status accessor MUST indicate ERROR if the initialize function of the associated provider terminates abnormally.
- [ ] [Requirement 1.7.5]( The client's provider status accessor MUST indicate FATAL if the initialize function of the associated provider terminates abnormally and indicates error code PROVIDER_FATAL.
- [ ] [Requirement 1.7.6]( The client MUST default, run error hooks, and indicate an error if flag resolution is attempted while the provider is in NOT_READY.
- [ ] [Requirement 1.7.7]( The client MUST default, run error hooks, and indicate an error if flag resolution is attempted while the provider is in FATAL.
- [ ] [Requirement 1.7.8]( Implementations SHOULD propagate the error code returned from any provider lifecycle methods.
- [ ] [Requirement 5.1.5]( PROVIDER_ERROR events SHOULD populate the provider event details's error code field.
- [ ] [Requirement 5.3.5]( If the provider emits an event, the value of the client's provider status MUST be updated accordingly.
gunishmatta commented 1 month ago

Hi @toddbaert I would like to work on this.

beeme1mr commented 1 month ago

Thanks, @gunishmatta, I've assigned you the issue. Please let us know if you have any questions!

toddbaert commented 1 month ago

@gunishmatta here's the implementation I did in the JS SDK:

You can disregard the RECONCILING stuff - that only applies to client-side SDKs, which Java is not. The relevant stuff is all around the ProviderState. I used an internal wrapper class for this:, but take whatever approach you want.

gunishmatta commented 1 month ago

@toddbaert Thanks a lot for the guidance, you can expect my PR by end of this week.

Thanks Gunish.